Tip: Do you know your Psychonauts characters? We have a comprehensive gallery, complete with screenshots, right here. It's just what the doctor ordered.
What is to be a glorious summer of Psychonauts content updates begins with the addition of the w.i.p. enemies section, detailing the game's many foes.
Ryan pulls the venerable Tim Schafer away from the excitement of Psychonauts' impending release for a few seconds, and asks him three brief (read: long) questions about the game and himself.
Multimedia > Image Gallery.
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Date: March 31st, 2005.

If we're missing any screenshots that you think should go in this category, feel free to send them in. When doing so, please ensure that they are as high-resolution as possible, and that you aren't sending us one that we have already in another category. In cases of the latter, just point it out so that it can be flagged into this category too.

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