Tip: For the most informed and interesting Psychonauts discussion around, our forums are the place to be. Be sure to check them out by clicking here.
What is to be a glorious summer of Psychonauts content updates begins with the addition of the w.i.p. enemies section, detailing the game's many foes.
Ryan pulls the venerable Tim Schafer away from the excitement of Psychonauts' impending release for a few seconds, and asks him three brief (read: long) questions about the game and himself.
Pages within this menu category all relate directly to the game, Psychonauts, itself. Ranging from a general overview, to character profiles, to an in-depth look at the game's secrets, the pages within are sure to satisfy your Psychonauts needs. This is a continuously updated section that will grow as time goes on.

A brief description of what exactly Psychonauts is, and why we are so obsessed with it.

Character profiles.
Individual profiles for every major character known to exist within Psychonauts.

Frequently asked questions.
A juicy selection of questions that are commonly asked around the community.

Enjoy references to other games and trademarks uncovered in Psychoanuts.

System requirements.
The power that your PC will require to run Psychonauts in its full glory.

Check out the various enemies and bosses which you'll encounter during your journey.

Is there anything missing or incorrect on this page? Be sure to contact us.